This is where Endings for Beginnings began! In 2020, the context of many layers of often distressing endings as result of Covid19, led us to share beyond our clients, an article that we hoped would support leaders in navigating their way through this challenging time. Our aim was to start more conversations about the importance of ending well. The response was extraordinary, and we were moved by how our intention to start those conversations became a reality and how helpful leaders found the work of fully acknowledging the loss and grief that their organisations were experiencing. Keen to offer further support the resources you find on this site, and indeed the existence of the site itself, all stemmed from this article summarising our work. You can request a copy below – we’d be only too happy to share it with you.


You can download the article here.

In sharing our work, we would appreciate it if you would acknowledge its origins, authors and intention in any way you use it going forward. 

We have a deliberate intention for the planet by sharing the article in a format that is beautiful on screen, and is consciously not printer friendly. If you need a more accessible version for example, a larger font or a dyslexia friendly font or background colour, we would be only too happy to provide that - please contact us. A reminder too that if your preference is for listening rather than reading, we have included a podcast in our resources.


And in the end, The love you take Is equal to the love you make.

— Lennon and McCartney, Abbey Road