Where to start with your organisation’s endings

How many Endings are being experienced in your organisation right now? And how equipped do you feel to navigate them?

In our article “Endings In Organisations” we talk about the ‘myriad of endings’ in the workplace that leaders need to navigate for themselves and those they lead. In our work we have witnessed the transformative effect of being brave enough to pay closer attention to endings and in doing so create brighter beginnings.

Clients ask us where to start.

Here are the first steps to help you start consciously leading your myriad of endings.

1.     Note which of these endings (directly or indirectly) are relevant to you right now?

  • Change Programme

  • Project – successful or failed

  • Merger / Acquisition

  • Pitch – successful or failed

  • Restructure

  • Closure of office, division or organisation as a whole

  • Relocation

  • Redundancy

  • Retirement - moving to third chapter

  • Internal promotion

  • Ill health of a colleague

  • Death of a colleague

  • Moving on to another organisation

  • Parental leave

  • Withdrawal of a product or service

2.     In relation to each ending you are experiencing, note:

  • To what extent is this ending something you are experiencing, or something you are leading others through, or both?

  • How much choice and agency do people have in this ending? To what extent is the ending imposed?

It can also be useful to map this.

3.     As you look at your list and the map, what feels important in terms of business impact and priorities?

4.     STOP! Don’t skip this step! Before you head to those business priorities, we always say, start with you. Looking again at what you have created, what are you comfortable with as a leader? What do you find more challenging, and possibly even avoid? Therefore, what support do you need? Who can you turn to for help?


Get in touch if you’d like to talk to us about coaching, workshops or keynote talks on creating a stronger tomorrow by acknowledging endings today.




Exploring Organisational Loss