Endings for Beginnings
Creating healthier organisations and brighter beginnings by facilitating leaders to fully attend to endings.
Endings for Beginnings is a hub of resources to support leaders and their organisations to start conversations about brighter beginnings and healthier organisations, facilitated by better attending to endings.
A conversation we had in 2017 about what we observed in organisations in terms of investing heavily in beginnings and new starts and moving on rather too swiftly from endings, inspired us to pursue a deep enquiry into how leaders often neglect endings.
In 2020, the context of many layers of often distressing endings as a result of Covid19, led us to share beyond our clients, an article that we hoped would support leaders in navigating their way through this challenging time. The response was extraordinary, and we were moved by how our intention to start those conversations became a reality and how helpful leaders found the work of fully acknowledging the loss and grief that their organisations were experiencing.
Galvanised by how useful and timely we are hearing our work is, we created resources in addition to the article, to support leaders and their teams to do this work in a structured and safe way. We are delighted to share them with you here.
Alison Lucas of Randolph Partnership and Lizzie Bentley Bowers of The Causeway Coaching are professionally accredited coaches and facilitators, working predominantly at board level and across all three sectors. They are passionate about staying continually curious and paying attention to their clients individual and commercial needs and outcomes. Collaboration, shared experience and shared learning is a hallmark of their practise and they enjoy and benefit from the support and challenge they offer each other. Holding the pursuit of the best outcomes for their clients lies at the heart of their collaborations.